External Awards Information

1. Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation of Canada

$5,000 Graduate Scholarship for female Canadian citizen currently enrolled
in a PhD program. For more info and applications forms:
www.kappakappagamma.org application deadline: 31 January 2005

2. Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation

Canadian women who are pursuing their studies in engineering at the Ph.D.
level are invited to apply for annual $15,000 Claudette MacKay-Lassonde
Graduate Engineering Scholarship For more info and applications forms:
www.cemf.ca application deadline: 21 January 2005

4. Parliamentary Internship Programme

Up to ten internships of $16,500 for ten months, starting September 2005
For more info and applications forms: www.pip-psp.org application
deadline: 28 January 2005

5. Canadian Institute for Nordic Studies

Graduate Scholarship of $3,500 for a student undertaking graduate
research/study in any field at a recognized degree-granting institution
located in one of the Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland,
Norway, Sweden, the Faeroe Islands, and Greenland. For more info and
applications forms: http://www.ualberta.ca/~cins/CINS.html application
deadline: 15 February 2005

6. Soroptimist Foundation of Canada

The Soroptimist Foundation of Canada annually offers several $7,500 grants
to female graduate students in Canada to assist them with university
studies which will qualify them for careers which will improve the quality
of women’s lives. For more info and applications forms:
www.soroptimistfoundation.ca application deadline: 31 January 2005

7. Canadian Council of Professional Engineers

Three CCPE-MANULIFE FINANCIAL scholarships valued at $10,000 each provide
financial assistance to engineers returning to university for further
study or research in an engineering field. Candidates must be accepted or
registered in a faculty of engineering. Two CCPE-MELOCHE MONNEX
scholarships of $7,500 each support engineers returning to university for
further study or research in a field other than engineering. Candidates
must be accepted or registered in a faculty other than engineering. The
field of study should favour the acquisition of knowledge which enhances
performance in the engineering profession. For more info and applications
forms: http://www.ccpe.ca/e/prog_awards_2_1.cfm application deadline: 1
March 2005

8. Sheldon Chumir Foundation Internship in Ethics in Leadership

Applications are invited from senior students or graduates in programs in
any field relevant to ethics in leadership. The Internship stipend for
the nine-month period is $27,000 plus an allowance for expenses not to
exceed $3,000. In certain circumstances, and by mutual agreement, the
Internship period can be extended by up to three months. For more info and
applications forms:
application deadline: 14 March 2005

9. J. Armand Bombardier Internationalist Fellowships

Open to Canadians and permanent residents of Canada who hold at least one
university degree, or are in the final year of a degree program, 25
fellowships are offered for study in formal postsecondary programs abroad.
Fellowships are valued at $10,000 and are non-renewable. For more info and
applications forms: http://www.cbie.ca/bombardier/bombardier.html
application deadline: 1 March 2005

11. Canadian Association of University Teachers

The J. H. Stewart Reid Memorial Fellowship Trust was founded to honour the
memory of the first Executive Secretary of the Canadian Association of
University Teachers. A minimum scholarship of $5,000 is awarded annually
to a student registered in a doctoral program at a Canadian university For
more info and applications forms: http://stewartreid.caut.ca/ application
deadline: 30 April 2005

12. Canadian Archaeological Institute at Athens

Homer and Dorothy Thompson Fellowship offers a stipend of $6,000 and free
accommodation from September 2005 to May 2006. The Fellowship is for
Canadian citizens or landed immigrants pursuing graduate or postdoctoral
studies and who have a clear need to work in Greece. Applicants must
enclose a curriculum vitae and an outline of proposed research, and have
three referees send letters to the following address:

59 Queen’s Park Crescent
Toronto, ON M5S 1E5
application deadline: 15 March 2005

14. Canadian Co-operative Association

Alexander Fraser Laidlaw Fellowship – currently valued at $ 1,000, the
award is available to graduate students only. The award is based on the
applicants’ academic records as well as on the importance of the proposed
research activities to the development of the co-op movement in Canada or
abroad; Amy and Tim Dauphinee Scholarship – currently valued at $3,000,
the award is available to graduate students only. The award will be based
on the applicants’ academic records and on the importance of the proposed
research activities to the development of the co-op movement in Canada or
abroad; Lemaire Co-operative Studies Award awarded to a maximum of $3,000,
the award is available to both undergraduate and graduate students, and
are intended to encourage students to undertake studies which will help
them contribute to the development of co-operatives in Canada or

For more info and applications forms:
application deadline: 18 March 2005

15. International Development Research Centre (IDRC)

IDRC funds and administers a number of award programs in the field of
international development. Deadlines vary, but a number of competition
deadlines are coming up soon. AGROPOLIS – International Graduate Research
Awards Program in Urban Agriculture application deadline: 31 January 2004

Doctoral Research Awards – for research at the doctoral level in areas
corresponding to IDRC’s research priorities. IDRC’s research activities
focus on three program areas: (i) Social and Economic Equity, (ii)
Environment and Natural Resource Management, and (iii) Information and
Communication Technologies (ICTs) for Development application deadline:
1 April 2005

Community Forestry: Trees and People – John G. Bene Fellowship – provides
assistance to Canadian graduate students undertaking research on the
relationship of forest resources to the social, economic, cultural and
environmental welfare of people in developing countries. application
deadline: 1 March 2005

Canadian Window on International Development Awards application deadline:
1 April 2005

For more info and all IDRC applications forms: www.idrc.ca/awards

16. Confederation of University Faculty Associations of British Columbia (CUFA BC)

The purpose of the CUFA BC Distinguished Academics Awards is to recognize
academic staff members of British Columbia public universities who have
made outstanding contributions to the community beyond the academy through
their academic work. For more info and applications forms:

application deadline: 4 February 2005